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Talc Base Bio Pesticide Granule

Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (BTK)

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Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (BTK) is a strain of Bacillus thuringiensis specifically designed to control caterpillars in agriculture and gardens. It produces crystal proteins (Cry proteins) that are toxic to caterpillars. Once consumed, these proteins paralyze the caterpillar's digestive system, halting feeding and causing eventual death due to starvation.

Target Pests
Btk effectively targets caterpillars of moths and butterflies, such as:

  1. Cabbage loopers
  2. Gypsy moth larvae
  3. Tomato hornworms
  4. European corn borers
  5. Diamondback moths

How BTK Works

  1. Ingestion: Caterpillars ingest BTK spores found on plant surfaces during feeding.
  2. Activation: In the caterpillar’s alkaline gut, BTK spores release Cry proteins.
  3. Toxin Binding: Cry proteins bind to specific gut cell receptors, forming pores in the membranes.
  4. Gut Paralysis: Pores disrupt gut cell integrity, causing digestive paralysis.
  5. Death: Starvation and septicemia from bacterial toxins lead to death within days.

1 X 107 CFU/ML

  1. Targeted Action: Btk specifically harms caterpillars (Lepidoptera) without affecting beneficial insects, pollinators, mammals, birds, or aquatic life.
  2. Environmental Safety: Btk decomposes quickly, leaving no long-term residues, ensuring minimal ecological impact.
  3. Resistance Management: Using Btk with other control methods, like crop rotation and diverse insecticides, reduces the likelihood of pest resistance.

Recommended Crops:

Vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and field crops.

Recommended Application:

  1. Coverage: Spray thoroughly to cover all plant surfaces.
  2. Timing: Apply when larvae are under 5 mm or when eggs hatch for maximum efficacy.
  3. Temperature: In hot climates, apply during cooler late afternoons.
  4. Water pH: Maintain an optimal pH level for effective application.

Talc-based granule: 50–100 liters kg / acre
50 kg HDPE Bags




