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Bio Fertilizer Liquid

Consortia ( Bio NPK )

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A consortia is a mixture of multiple microorganisms that, residing in the rhizosphere, have a direct or indirect impact on the structure and yield of natural plant populations.

Bio NPK is a blend of Azotobacter, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, and Potash Mobilizing Bacteria; when combined, they provide a comprehensive nutritional solution for the crop.

Viable Cell CountCFU minimum in a mixture of any 2 or maximum 3 of the following microorganisms:

  • Azotobacter: 5 x 107 per ml
  • Rhizobium: 5 x 107 per ml
  • Azospirillum: 5 x 107 per ml

Total Viable Count: CFU minimum 1.5 x 108 cells per ml

Contamination LevelNo contamination at any dilution
Efficiency CharacterThe efficiency character of individual microorganisms to be determined as mentioned in the case of individual biofertilizer quantitative estimation method.
  1. Azotobacter assimilates atmospheric nitrogen up to 20-40 kg per hectare, thus contributing to a reduction in synthetic fertilizer usage.
  2. PSB generates organic acids such as malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric, and acetic acids, which accelerate potassium uptake, maturity, and enhance yield.
  3. KMB enhances crop resistance to diseases and stress conditions. It also secretes growth hormones that boost crop productivity and decrease potash fertilizer needs by 50-60%.
  4. It provides essential nutrients in the right quantities, close to the crops, for optimal growth.
  5. It helps prevent the gradual onset of crop deficiencies in different forms, occurring at various stages of crop development.
  6. It is chelated with EDTA, ensuring the rapid absorption of all individual micronutrients by the plants.

Recommended Crops

Grapes & Banana, Citrus, Mango, Tomato, Pomegranate, Groundnut, Cotton, Soyabean, Coconut, Potato, Brinjal, Onion, Garlic, Cumin, Chilies, Beans, Okra, Pea, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Sugarcane, Paddy, Rice, Wheat, Sorghum, Bajra, Lawns, Gardens, Green House, Etc.


  1. Seed treatment
  2. Seedling treatment
  3. Soil application
  4. Drip irrigation

1 Liter/Acre
200-Liter HDPE Barrel




