Potassium is often termed the “quality nutrient” due to its significant role in numerous biological and chemical processes within plants.
Enhances sugar content and fruit size, improving both yield and market value.
Facilitates the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), providing energy for vital processes like:
- Movement of water and proteins within the plant.
- Excretion of waste materials.
Strengthens plants against biotic and abiotic stresses, including pests, diseases, drought, heat, and salinity.
Using our proprietary Microfluidisation process, nutrients are encapsulated into microfluid particles, enabling:
- Gradual and timely nutrient release.
- Nutrient storage within specialized pockets in the plant.
Easily penetrates hardened or less porous soils, ensuring maximum absorption and nutrient delivery.
Fully water-soluble and compatible with all irrigation and fertigation systems, making application seamless for farmers.
Reduces dependence on traditional fertilizers, promoting environmentally sustainable and cost-effective agricultural practices.
With Arihant’s NPK 00:00:50, farmers can achieve:
- Healthier crops,
- Higher yields, and
- Greater resilience to environmental challenges, maximizing productivity while embracing sustainable solutions.