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HOME / our product / NPK Liquid Gel 12:32:16
An emulsion-based liquid Fertilizer NPK 12:32:16 is a complex fertilizer with a high concentration of phosphorus compared to nitrogen and potassium. This balanced nutrient composition can be beneficial for plants, especially during specific growth stages.
By providing higher levels of phosphorus and potassium, NPK 12:32:16 fertilizer offers a complete solution for crops that have higher phosphorus and potassium requirements. These nutrients contribute to root development, flowering, fruiting, stress tolerance, and efficient nutrient uptake, all of which are vital for healthy and productive plants.
Nitrogen which is the most readily found nutrient in the atmosphere may be needed in lesser quantities for some crops in certain soil types. With the benefits of vigorous enzyme activation within the plant that helps the plant grow and become strong enough to fight stress conditions, and a robust root development system, this product also delivers excellent vegetative growth. It helps secrete amino acids and build proteins within the plant.
With our unmatched S4 and EA2 technology, our fertilizers rise above the competition. Leveraging our Microfluidisation process, we have developed NPK 12:32:16 an innovative slow-release liquid gel fertilizer. Through this process, nutrients are encapsulated in a microfluid, forming particles that function as a potent slow-release mechanism. This emulsion-based liquid gel is designed for efficient absorption by plants allowing them to efficiently store nutrients within their structure. This enables a slow and timely release, ensuring optimal utilization by the plants whenever needed. Notably, this innovation reduces farmers’ reliance on traditional fertilizers, marking a significant step towards sustainable and effective agricultural practices.