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HOME / our product / ORGANIC +NPK Liquid Gel 00:40:55
An emulsion-based liquid mixture fertiliser made from the combination of the two essential macronutrients Phosphorus and Potassium in a ratio of 40:55. A combination that delivers both these nutrients in equal proportion leading to enhanced root development, strong stem and stalk and a robust DNA and RNA as well as getting a wide range of helpful enzymes helping the plant growth. It also plays a role in the stress-fighting strength of the crop with the movement of water within the plant.
Using our innovative processes of EA2 and S4 technology, and state-of-the-art microfluidiser technology, we deliver effective products that deliver exceedingly satisfying results for the farmers while being cost-effective as well.
Since Potassium is known as the “Quality” nutrient, it shows an immensely positive effect on quality factors such as size, shape, colour, and vigour of the seed or grain, and improves the fibre quality of cotton.
Being an emulsion-based slow release liquid gel fertilizer, it is very easy for the plants to uptake and the innovative technology used to make this product ensures that farmers get the most out of the product at lesser costs than conventional fertilizers.
Having the added benefit of organic components, this product not only delivers in terms of nutrient efficiency but also makes the soil healthier and helps reduce soil pollution compared to conventional NPK fertilizers.
NPK ratio 00:40:55, you primarily focus on providing a significant amount of phosphorus and potassium to plants. This can be particularly beneficial for crops that require an extra boost in flowering, fruiting, and root development.