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Organic + NPK Liquid Gel Fertilizer

Organic + NPK Liquid Gel Fertilizer

Organic + NPK Liquid Gel 00:40:55

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An emulsion-based liquid fertiliser made from the combination of the two key macronutrients Phosphorus and Potassium in a ratio of 40:55. A blend that supplies these nutrients in equal proportions, leading to enhanced root development, strong stem and stalk structure, and robust DNA and RNA, as well as aiding a wide range of helpful enzymes promoting plant growth. It also plays a role in boosting the crop’s stress-resistance by facilitating water movement within the plant.

Using our advanced EA2 and S4 technology processes, along with state-of-the-art microfluidiser technology, we deliver efficient products that produce highly satisfying results for farmers while remaining cost-effective.
Since Potassium is regarded as the “Quality” nutrient, it significantly improves quality attributes such as size, shape, color, and vigor of the seed or grain, and enhances the fiber quality of cotton.

Being a slow-release emulsion-based liquid gel fertilizer, it is highly absorbable for plants, and the advanced technology ensures farmers derive maximum benefit from this product at lower costs compared to conventional fertilizers.

With the added benefit of organic components, this product not only enhances nutrient efficiency but also improves soil health and helps reduce soil pollution compared to traditional NPK fertilizers.
NPK ratio 00:40:55 primarily focuses on delivering a substantial amount of phosphorus and potassium to plants, making it especially beneficial for crops that need an additional boost in flowering, fruiting, and root development.

Nutrient Content Wt/Wt Wt/Vol
Base Liquid
Phosphorous (P2O5) 24.00% 40.00%
Potassium (K2O) 33.00% 55.00%
Organic Component (Enzymatic Treated) 10.00% 17.00%
pH (1% solution) 8.0 – 10.0
Trace Elements (EDTA) Yes
Specific Gravity 1.70 – 1.75
  • A multi-dimensional foliar tonic for cell-strengthening & brix-building.
  • Enhances plant vigor, boosts resistance to drought and disease, and supports overall plant health and productivity.
  • Plays a key role in energy transfer, photosynthesis, and overall plant metabolism.
  • Promotes robust root systems, improves flowering, and enhances fruit/seed production.
  • Boosts stomatal growth & chlorophyll synthesis.
  • Prevents leaf, flower, and fruit drop under stressed conditions.
  • Better grain/fruit development results in higher weight and size.
  • Aids in regulating water uptake, nutrient transport, and enzyme activation within plants.
  • Organic components enrich the fertilizer with organic matter, providing additional nutrients and improving soil health.
  • Increases the soil’s water-holding capacity, enhances aeration, and improves microbial activity, reducing the risk of soil erosion.

Recommended Stage of Usage:

  1. This NPK mixture is most beneficial during the flowering and fruiting stages of the crop cycle. It is commonly used during the reproductive and maturation phases, when the plant requires more phosphorus and potassium for flower, fruit, and seed development.

Recommended Crops:

  1. This product is especially suitable for crops like sugarcane, potato, sugar beet, and various fruits such as mango, banana, apple, and pineapple. It is also ideal for flowering plants in gardens.

Recommended Application:

  1. Fertigation
  2. Drip Irrigation or Foliar Spray

Foliar Spray: 2 – 3 ml / Liter
500 ml – 1 Liter / Acre
200-Liter HDPE Barrel




