leaf leaf leaf

Organic + NPK Liquid Gel Fertilizer

Organic + NPK Liquid Gel Fertilizer

Organic + NPK Liquid Gel 00:50:50

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ORGANIC + NPK 00:50:50 is a highly concentrated emulsion comprising macro and chelated micro elements. It contains an organic component proven to promote root growth in plants. It is designed to maximize crop production, especially for crops vulnerable to stress caused by high temperatures, soil conditions, moisture levels, and diseases. It provides essential nutrients to both seedlings and mature plants.

The phosphorus and potassium combination in ORGANIC + NPK 00:50:50 is especially beneficial for flowering and fruiting plants. Adequate phosphorus encourages flower formation and improves fruit set, while potassium supports fruit development, quality, and taste. This fertilizer enhances flower and fruit production, leading to increased yields and improved crop quality.

The organic component adds organic matter to the soil, enhancing soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient-holding capacity. It also helps boost soil fertility and promote beneficial soil microorganisms.

With our in-house research-based Microfluidization process, we have developed an innovative slow-release liquid gel fertilizer. This advancement reduces reliance on traditional fertilizers, contributing to more sustainable and effective agricultural practices. Our proprietary S4 and EA² technologies set us apart from competitors, offering unmatched benefits for plant growth.

Nutrient Content Wt/Wt Wt/Vol
Base Liquid Liquid
Phosphorous (P2O5) 30.00% 50.00%
Potassium (K2O) 30.00% 50.00%
Organic Component 20.50% 32.00% (Enzymatic Treated)
pH (1% solution) 6.5 – 7.0
Trace Elements (EDTA) Yes
  1. Complete Plant Nutrition: Provides essential nutrients for robust plant growth.
  2. Versatile Use: Suitable for all stages of the crop cycle, enhancing overall plant health and promoting vigorous growth.
  3. Stress Resilience: Increases resistance to both biotic and abiotic stress factors.
  4. Multi-functional Foliar Tonic: Strengthens cells and improves brix levels.
  5. Enhances Germination: Facilitates early germination and vigorous seedling development.
  6. Boosts Metabolism: Supports plant metabolism for improved vitality.
  7. Root & Canopy Growth: Promotes root mass development and boosts canopy growth.
  8. Photosynthesis Optimization: Enhances stomatal development and chlorophyll synthesis.
  9. Stress Prevention: Reduces leaf, flower, and fruit drop under stressful conditions.
  10. Optimal Fruit & Grain Development: Leads to increased size and weight of fruits/grains.
  11. Higher Yield & Quality: Delivers superior crop quality and higher yields.
  12. Organic Matter Enrichment: Adds organic matter to the soil, improving nutrient content and soil health.
  13. Soil Health Improvement: Increases water-holding capacity, aeration, microbial activity, and reduces soil erosion.

Recommended Stage of Usage:

  1. This NPK blend is ideal for the flowering and fruiting stages of the crop lifecycle.

Recommended Crops:

  1. For Fertigation: Vegetable crops, flower crops, spices, plantation crops, medicinal & aromatic crops.
  2. For Foliar Application: All crops.

Recommended Application:

  1. Fertigation:
  2. Drip Irrigation or Foliar Spray.

Foliar Spray: 1.5 – 2 ml / Liter
Drip Irrigation: 500 ml / Acre
200-Liter HDPE Barrel




