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Bio Pesticide Culture Liquid

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Fluorescent Pseudomonads are part of the Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), a crucial group of microorganisms that significantly contribute to plant growth, induced systemic resistance, and biological pathogen control. Numerous strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens are recognized for enhancing plant growth and reducing the severity of various diseases.

The effectiveness of bacterial antagonists in controlling fungal diseases has often been observed to perform better independently, and sometimes even more efficiently when combined with fungicides. This review highlights the occurrence, distribution, mechanisms, growth requirements of Pseudomonas fluorescens, and its role in controlling diseases across diverse agricultural and horticultural crops. Insights from this review provide a foundation for future research aiming to promote Pseudomonas fluorescens as a bio-pesticide for augmentative biological control of numerous agriculturally and horticulturally significant diseases.

1 X 1010 CFU/ML

  1. Growing environmental and consumer concerns have spurred interest in sustainable biological control agents as eco-friendly alternatives to safeguard crops against phytopathogens. Pseudomonas fluorescens is a well-documented biological control agent with successful global applications. Multiple Pseudomonas strains effectively suppress fungal, bacterial, and nematode diseases in cereals, horticultural crops, oil seeds, and other plants. These bacterial antagonists often outperform fungicides in disease management, and in certain cases, combining both approaches enhances disease control outcomes.
  2. Treatments with Pseudomonas fluorescens also lead to healthier seedlings and increased crop yields. Among colonization substrates, peat soil is the most effective, followed by farmyard manure and gobar gas slurry. The presence of polysaccharides improves Pseudomonas fluorescens adhesion, bolstering plant growth through elevated antibiotic activity.
  3. This review aims to encourage further exploration of Pseudomonas fluorescens as a promising bio-pesticide for integrated disease management. However, more detailed investigations into the interactions among antagonists, pathogens, soil environments, and plants are essential for establishing these biocontrol agents as universally effective bio-pesticides in agriculture.

Recommended Crops:

Applicable to all crops.

Recommended Application:

  1. Foliar sprays.
  2. Seed pre-treatment before planting.
  3. Post-pruning application.
  4. Soil incorporation during seeding or transplanting.
  5. Irrigation-based application or root drenching.

1 Liter of our culture = 100 Liter of culture liquid or 100 kg of powder
1 kg silver pouch.




